Yoga for Adults

Yoga classes start and end with the “OM”. The vibration created by “OM” has an effect on the energies in the body and helps the mind to concentrate.

Yoga classes begin with breathing exercises. The body is then gently put into movement, in particular with the Sun Salutations.

You are now ready to practice Yoga poses that make the body stronger and more flexible in all directions (side inclinations, twists, forward and backward stretching, reverse poses).

Yoga classes end with a time of relaxation.

For all : to each according to one’s fitness and practice

Intermediate : after 2 or 3 years of practice

Advanced: after 4 or 5 years of practice. Advanced sessions ends with a 20min meditation.

Soft practice : sessions that focus on mobility, balance and breathing capacity …softly !

Soft practice with a chair : A “soft practice” session with the help of a chair when needed.

Morning Practices: 20min meditation, pranayama (breathing exercices), warming up and Sun Salutations. To get a good start !